Kashubian DNA is the force of creative work

"Kashubian blood flows in me."

Kashubians are famous for their big hearts and even greater stubbornness. Both of these features undoubtedly favor compositional work.
In my works, I often refer to Kashubian folklore, I use the Kashubian language, which is set to music 
takes on mystical features!
This is not an exaggerated statement.
The arrangement of specific phonemes of this unique language creates musical sequences that open us to the harmony of spheres...

I encourage you to taste Kashubian mysticism
w Kashubian Te Deum

From the very beginning of the piece, through the euphony of the sound, I try to direct the listener to the frequencies flowing from the mystical tone of the Kashubian language.

Niedawno miałem przyjemność udzielić wywiadu dla lokalnego miesięcznika „Pomerania” (w j. kaszubskim).

Rozmowę przeprowadził Tomasz Fopke.

The article included, among others: information about Symfonia Piaśnica,about which I will talk in more detail soon.

Monthly Pomerania available at selected points: